• No (it just looks like she is!)

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Even though it looks suspiciously like the lady is leaning well back in Ballroom dancing, and you wonder if she gets a sore neck, back or even how she moves that way – this is actually just an illusion. Rather than leaning back, the lady is stretching upwards and to the left, over the top of the man’s arm, and neither placing weight into his arm nor flexing her lower spine. She achieves the perfect poise by stretching her thoracic spine, which is achieved by practice and perseverance.

Monica Fincham was a professional dancer for 17 years competing both locally and internationally. She now owns Dancesport Kingdom in Lilydale – and loves to de-mystify the beautiful ‘sport’ and ‘art’ for her students so that they may explore more fully the sensations Ballroom dance provides.