Coronavirus Covid-19 has caused some Ballroom dancers to re-assess attending their dance studios during this time. However, many Ballroom dancers are addicted to dance – and the idea of being stuck at home not dancing is filling us with dread. Plus it’s not just the dancing, it’s our community and friends we’re going to miss – BIG TIME.
For some of us – this health crisis has impacted our work and ability to earn an income – so simply surviving is now becoming a reality with rent and mortgages to pay. If so, then dancing is no doubt going to have to wait. However, if you are still working and able to dance – but you just need to feel safe – then here are 6 ideas on how you can keep Ballroom dancing.
If you are still feeling ok to come to the studio…
Covid-19 Ballroom Buster # 1
If you are staying away from larger gatherings but would still like to dance you could consider private dance lessons. At the time of writing, we are being dissuaded from gatherings of over 100. Private dance lessons allow you to keep dancing without the large social gathering and changing of dance partners. You can even choose to take these lessons without contact with your teacher – and improve your dance skills without contact.
Covid-19 Ballroom Buster # 2
If you do attend a social dance – consider not dancing in contact. There are many dances that can be danced without physical contact – in a line, circle or grid format that still allow you to move and enjoy your dance whilst keeping the 1.5 metres social distancing recommendation.
Covid-19 Ballroom Buster #3
Come to a dance event and only dance with your partner – or one chosen a partner with whom you feel safe and dance just with them.
If you are stuck at home self isolating…
Covid-19 Ballroom Buster #4
Contact your favourite dance studio and join in any and all the online dance classes they are offering from your home. As well as keeping you dancing and happy this will also help your favourite dance teachers keep their jobs and your dance school stay open so they are still there for you to go dancing when this crisis is over!
Covid-19 Ballroom Buster #5
Use You-Tube to do some yoga stretches or pilates from home to keep supple and flexible so you don’t lose any fitness for when you return to your studio.
Covid-19 Ballroom Buster #6
Connect with your Ballroom ‘besties’ over social media as much as you can with video messaging and phone calls to check in and see how everyone is doing.
Monica Fincham, Owner, Dancesport Kingdom